Monday, December 23, 2019

The Issue Of Medicaid Expansion Reform - 1256 Words

Medicaid Expansion -Texas Why is Medicaid a huge topic in Texas and how does it relate to me? This is one important question to consider. Well this paper will help shed light to the matter and illustrate the urgency for action. Just recently Texas had an option to extend Medicaid, but hastily denied. Medicaid Expansion was part of the Obama care reform in which the federal government gave the 52 states an offer to expand the current Medicaid in was that it would include the coverage of low income adults not only children. The latest on the issue is Texas had agreed on a deal but only temporarily. The agreement on the reform has given Texas some light, but not enough to reach through the other side of the tunnel. Eventually, Texas†¦show more content†¦CHIP benefits are not as broad in some states. (Last tab) On the other side CHIP is considered to have more providers available under their network but the downside are the monthly premiums required. Under the new regime the expectation is for there to be â€Å"around 562,000 children†¦.to shift from CHIP to Medicaid as a result of the law† (LAST TAB). Therefore, such statistic would actually help push for some to quickly move for the deal but not too fast. Texas quickly declined to expand the Obama care reform in their state as so they claim. The state is considered to be more independent when it comes to government involvement. Texas is not the only state that such regard to the bill. Under the statistic illustrated under the white house website out of the 52 states only 32 states agreed to the bill and 20 of the remainder decided to decline. Texas origins describe a state that have gone through a lot and had being independent for quite some time before joining the United states back in 1945. The state has maintained it s independence from federal government through their success in oil, cotton, and even domestic food. In such instance its easily understandable to see the ruling they have on the agenda, but times have changed compared to those days. Although Texas believes in the more state friendly federalism; the dual federalism. In such instance they can take some exception to this matter. Under the Medicaid extension the states

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